This section contains recipes for different cuts of meat to assist customers with cooking ideas.

Look at the sub menu on the right hand side for ways to cook different cuts of meat.

This is still a work in progress so please submit your favorite suggestions to our email address

to help us build this section.


General Cooking and meat use tips:

A great bit of advice we can give you is try and plan out your meals.  This will help to utilize the food you have purchased in many ways. First by giving it time to naturally defrost in the fridgerator versus a microwave.  A microwave can slightly heat the meat and seperate the moisture from the meat you are defrosting and make it dry and tough.  Second, you will utilize it instead of having it sit in the freezer and end up running to the store to buy something that is not frozen to have for dinner that night. Large cuts of meat make take up to two days to defrost such as a chicken.

Remember to always follow good food prepeation habits such as a clean work surface when working with all meat products. Never mix cutting surfaces once used and utensiles such as knifes, spoons and forks with other foods unless you have cleaned them before reusing them.