
How does this work?  

This is a turn key operation for you. You decide what you want portion to purchase weather it is a quarter, half or whole beef.  To make a purchase you review the contract, sign it, add your deposit, and we will return a signed copy for your records. In the late fall to early winter we take the beef to be processed. Once it is ready you pick it up or make plans to obtain your beef. 

Click here to download the 2017 beef contract!

If you would like to learn more about the health benefits and how to purchase your own pasture raised beef, along with information on the farm and a chart of different beef cuts, please click the link with the Beef Flyer.

Click here to download the beef flyer!

Common questions that are asked about the process.

Why am I buying a live beef on the contract?

The reason why is because this is state regulations stipulate that beef sold off the farm has to be done in this manner. If the beef is to be sold as cuts it has to be USDA inspected.  The beef is processed in a state inspected facility but it does not have a full time USDA inspector on site at all times. You own the beef and we are managing it for you as part of the process.

Can I choose how my beef is cut up?

Yes, if you order more than a quarter. It is difficult to divide half of a beef, into another half since your are cutting all the cuts into smaller portions between two  customers. To facilitate this we provide a list of what cuts you get in a quarter so that we can divide a half of beef evenly as possible. If you get a half or larger, you can choose your cuts, and thickness of items such as steaks, but keep in mind that there are a lot of differnet names for the same cuts of beef, so this has to be taken into account.

If I get a quarter beef, which portion do I get, the front or back?

Neither. You get half of a half, meaning half of a beef is divided evenly between two customers.

How much is in a quarter of beef?

There is not an exact amount that we can guarentee as the weight of the animals always varies but this is a typical estimate of a quarter consist of; 3 packs T Bones Steaks- 2 per pack, 3 Sirloin Steaks-1 per pack, 3 Rib Eye Steaks 2 per pack, 1 Flank Steak, 1 Sirloin Tip Roast, 2 Chuck Roast, 1 Rump Roast, 1 Arm Roast, 4 packs of Stew meat, 2 packs Short Ribs, 1 Bottom Round Roast, 1 Top Round Roast, 1 Sirloin Tip Roast, 6 packs of Cube Steak, and 30 packs of Hamburger which is over 100 pounds of beef.

When will it be ready to pickup?

In the late fall we will contact you on portions that are greater than a quarter to discuss how the beef is cut up. We then contact everyone to let them know the processing date, so they can prepare for pickup or make plans for pickup, in additon to getting beef cut orders. Typically we raise the beef to the very end of the grass growing season to get them to the best condition for processing which is between the end of November and the beginning to January.

Do I take the beef to be processes?

No, since this is turn key we take care of everything.  You just have to pick up the beef that is packaged and frozen for deiivery on pickup day. This date does vary because we have to work the schedule out for processing near the end of summer. 

What is the average weight of a whole beef?  

Most beef weigh around 1000 lbs. or more as this does vary by age and sex but all animals will not exceed 30 months of age and most are younger.

What is hanging weight? 

This is a carcass free of the head, hide, tail, legs below the knee joint, and entrails which is about 55% of the live weight.

Is the beef aged?

Yes. The beef is hung in a climate controlled cooler and aged for a little under two weeks and more if possible.  This increases tenderness and beef quality dramatically compared to days of aging which is typical in the current markets. Once it has completed the hanging process it is cut into the appropriate cuts and portions for the customer.

Can I get more steaks or roast in my share?

The beef is processed as a whole animal and is divided in halves.  Then these halves are processed into the appropriate cuts. If the portion is smaller than a half that you are purchasing,  it is divided evenly into two quarters. There are only so many steaks, roast and other cuts in a beef.  It is hard to imagine when you walk in a grocery store and see 30 packs of t-bones, you are probably looking at steaks from a half dozen beef or more.