

We are raising high quality chickens that exceeds the quality of any chicken you can buy in a grocery store. Free of hormones and antibiotics and fattened on grass and plant products. They are fed certified organic minerals and vitamins and traditional grains like: corn, wheat and soybeans. Commercial chickens are raised in long barns with out sunlight with poor ventilation. Some producers use hormones and antibiotics in their daily ration. You have never eaten a real chicken until you have eaten pasture-raised chicken. If you would like to know about our chickens please click below for more information.

We are not doing chickens this year, but plan on producing chickens in 2017

Agriculture Information:
At present, the current state of agriculture is in a very bad position with just a few Corporations involved in every facet of your food production including; raising, processing, and distribution. They are controlling this industry and the food you eat. It has all come down to quantity. Quality is the least important part of food production today. The small family farm is dying fast with Corporations owning almost 60% of all farms today. This will mean the end of family farms and food quality as we know it, if this continues. In addition, your food will come from outside of the U.S. and America will be dependent on other countries to produce its food like it does so many other things. Support your local farms by buying local products from: farmers markets, food stands, CSA's, and direct marketing farms, like ours - Mountain Meadows Farm.